[AIRG] Practice Talk: Freshly Baked

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:48:31 +0000
From: Sathya Ravi <ravi5@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AIRG] Practice Talk: Freshly Baked
Hi everyone,

Iâll be presenting my research tomorrow which (or an approximate version of which) I will present next week for an academic position. Essentially, I will be covering the following two papers in varying level of depth:

1. https://guidebook.com/guide/150194/poi/11378963/

2. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v48/ravi16

Where & When:
CS 3310
*4:30pm*, 2/20

Just show up -- you donât have to read the papers at all, Ima take care of that for you! :)


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