[theory students] theory-related faculty candidates

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 21:53:05 +0000
From: Shuchi Chawla <shuchi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [theory students] theory-related faculty candidates
Dear all,

We have several theory or theory-related faculty candidates visiting this semester. Please mark the dates below and attend the talks. Students: please sign up to meet with the candidates if the hosts ask you to. Thanks!

Important: some of these visits are not public information, so please don't mention the names of the candidates to anyone outside of the department.

Nika Haghtalab (ML/theory): Feb 13-14
Huejia Lin (crypto): Mar 1-2
Stefano Tessaro (crypto/security): Mar 8-9
Ilias Diakonikolas (learning theory): Mar 12-13
Dakshita Khurana (crypto): Mar 19-20
Jelena Diakonikolas (optimization): Apr 5-6


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