[madPL] madPL Industry Affiliates Day

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2022 01:50:30 +0000
From: "LORIS D'ANTONI" <ldantoni@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [madPL] madPL Industry Affiliates Day

Dear Colleagues and Students, 


I hope you enjoy the start of the new semester.

The madPL group would like to announce an exciting event, the madPL Industry Affiliates Program Event (guest talk from Facebook). 


When: February 2nd, 11-1

Where: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96339695501?pwd=VzZ4M01xUldSQzVhc1REdG94RHhFZz09

Schedule: https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~yuhaoz/madPL-affiliate-event.html


We cordially invite all members in the department to join this workshop. This is a perfect opportunity to know the research happening in the PL group and to explore collaboration opportunities. For students, this is also a good opportunity to find internship or positions in companies. 


Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! 


Loris on behalf of the madPL group


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