FYI, the attachment contains a call for papers that may
be of interest.
-----Original Message-----
From: Agostino Cortesi [mailto:cortesi@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:24 AM
To: ble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bossi@xxxxxxxxxxxx; clh@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
cortesi@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Cosimo Laneve; D.Dams@xxxxxx;
esparza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; jensen@xxxxxxxx;
joxan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; levi@xxxxxxxxxxx; mal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
pvh@xxxxxxxxxxxx; pw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; reps@xxxxxxxxxxx;
riis@xxxxxxxxxx; schmidt@xxxxxxxxxxx; supratik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: VMCAI schedule
Dear friends,
this afternoon I sent the second call for papers of the
Third Int. Workshop on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract
Interpretation to a good number of people potentially interested to
contribute to the event.
I would like to kindly ask you to spread the cfp in your departments as
well. Your contribution is also more than welcome, as it would surely
increase the quality of the workshop. In attachment you may find
the call for papers.
If the number and quality of submissions is good (I'm very confident
about that) we should not have problems getting the post-conference
proceedings published on LNCS (with no additional review), as the
executive editor of LNCS told me.
Due to the very strict timeline, the submission deadline will be very
strict (nov. 18). Immediatley after, I'll send you a bunch of papers
to review quite quickly (notification is expected by december 16).
Thank you again for your kind support.
agostino cortesi
dipartimento di informatica tel: +39 041 290.8450
universita' ca' foscari fax: +39 041 290.8419
30170 via torino, 155 url:
mestre-venezia (italy) email: cortesi@xxxxxxxxxxxx
second call for papers
January 21-22, 2002
Venice, Italy
Main topics:
* program verification * static analysis techniques
* model checking * program certification
* type systems * abstract domains
* debugging techniques * compiler optimization
Papers Submission: November 18, 2001
Notification: December 16, 2001
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (7 to 12 pages) by e-mail
in PostScript format to cortesi@xxxxxxxxxxxx, following the LNCS guidelines.
It is planned to publish the post-proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
Program Committee:
Annalisa Bossi Univ. Ca' Foscari (I)
Agostino Cortesi (chair) Università Ca' Foscari (I)
Dennis Dams Bell Labs (USA) and TU Eindhoven (NL)
Javier Esparza TU Munchen (D)
Chris Hankin Imperial College (UK)
Joxan Jaffar NU Singapore (SU)
Thomas Jensen Irisa Rennes (F)
Cosimo Laneve Univ. di Bologna (I)
Baudouin Le Charlier Louvain La Neuve (B)
Michael Leuschel Univ. of Southampton (UK)
Giorgio Levi Univ. di Pisa (I)
Torben Mogensen DIKU, Copenhagen (DK)
Supratik Mukhopadhyay University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Thomas Reps Univ of Wisconsin (USA)
Hanne Riis Nielson TU of Denmark (DK)
David Schmidt Kansas State University (USA)
Pascal Van Hentenryck Brown University (USA)
Sponsored by:
Dip. di Informatica, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
EAPLS (European Association for Programming Languages and Systems)