[Condor-world] Condor 7.4.2 Released!

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:59:26 -0500
From: Zachary Miller <zmiller@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Condor-world] Condor 7.4.2 Released!

The Condor Team is pleased to announce the release of Condor 7.4.2.

This release in the stable series fixes numerous bugs in version 7.4.1.
See the Version History for a complete list of changes.  Condor 7.4.2
binaries and source code are available from our Downloads page.

Version History:

Downloads Page:

Thank you for your interest in Condor!

- The Condor Team

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  • [Condor-world] Condor 7.4.2 Released!, Zachary Miller <=