[Condor-world] Remote Procedure Calls and Condor on Win XP

Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:36:08 +1000
From: Lance De Vine <l.devine@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Condor-world] Remote Procedure Calls and Condor on Win XP

I have an application that when run in batch mode initiates several processes, and uses remote procedure calls (RPCs) to communicate between them. When I try to run this application as a Condor job ( on Windows XP, vanilla universe ) the application starts but then exits almost immediately. Is it possible that this is because it initiates multiple processes and uses RPCs? If it is, is there some way I can still use this application with Condor on Windows?

Thanks for your help.


Lance De Vine.

Lance De Vine (High Performance Computing)
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Brisbane, Australia.
(61) (07) 3138 9264

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