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[condor-users] Hawkeye installation?
- Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 15:16:33 +0100
- From: Angel de Vicente <angelv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [condor-users] Hawkeye installation?
I have been trying to get Hawkeye working, but to no avail. Well the
hawkeye_master and hawkeye_startd daemons start OK, but not the collector.
The MasterLog complains with this
5/17 15:11:01 ******************************************************
5/17 15:11:01 ** hawkeye_master (HAWKEYE_MASTER) STARTING UP
5/17 15:11:01 ** $CondorVersion: 6.7.0 Apr 21 2004 $
5/17 15:11:01 ** $CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX-RH9 $
5/17 15:11:01 ** PID = 13877
5/17 15:11:01 ******************************************************
5/17 15:11:01 Using config file: /scratch/angelv/home/hawkeye/etc/hawkeye_config
5/17 15:11:01 DaemonCore: Command Socket at <>
5/17 15:11:01 Started DaemonCore process "/net/codorniz/scratch/angelv/home/hawkeye/sbin/hawkeye_startd", pid and pgroup = 13878
5/17 15:11:01 Create_Process:Failed to post listen on command socket(s) (port 9618)
5/17 15:11:01 ERROR: Create_Process failed trying to start /net/codorniz/scratch/angelv/home/hawkeye/sbin/hawkeye_collector
5/17 15:11:01 restarting /net/codorniz/scratch/angelv/home/hawkeye/sbin/hawkeye_collector in 10 seconds
The readme file doesn't say anything about changing listening ports, is there an
easy way to do it?
Also, I understand that the hawkeye version I downloaded from (1.0 RC5) puts the machine information in
the Class Ads of those machines in my Condor Pool, but is there an available
module to produce the web statistics, such as in ?
Thanks a lot,
Angel de Vicente
PostDoc Software Support
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
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