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Re: [condor-users] Condor under Debian experience?
- Date: 30 Apr 2004 09:51:40 +0200
- From: Andreas Hirczy <ahi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [condor-users] Condor under Debian experience?
Mark Calleja <mcal00@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> A question that some of people here are interested in: Does anyone out
> there have any experiences (good or bad) with running Condor under Debian
> 3.0? Are there any 'gotchas', etc. to watch out for?
Yes, we have condor on Debian stable i386. I have not done much testing
with standard universe, but vanilla is running without any problems.
You can get my debian package for condor 6.6.3 from
<> or by
following the instructions at <>.
Copy your existing configuration to /etc/condor/condor_config and install
tzhe package - the post install routines should do all the rest (create
system account condor, run condor_init and start condor_master).
Andreas Hirczy <ahi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Technische Universitaet Graz Telefon: +43/316/873-81 90
Institut für Theoretische Physik Telefax: +43/316/873-86 78
Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz mobil: +43/699/19 14 24 60
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