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Re: [condor-users] Sun grid engine
- Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 17:05:47 +0200
- From: Alain EMPAIN <alain.empain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [condor-users] Sun grid engine
Hello Colin,
I am just in the middle of a migration from gridengine to condor, so it
is too early to have a qualified opinion, but here are my first
impressions :
Last year I started with SUN Gridengine because I had an urgent need to
terminate a huge job, and because gridengine was at-hand, provided as a
RPM on SuSE 8.1.
It did the job in time so I was happy.
Curiously, no more RPM in the subsequent SuSE releases. The installed
version work well with SuSE 8.2, but not with 9.0.
I dislike the proprietary reflexes of SUN, and its back&forth ballet
about Linux, open source. In my opinion, SUN's future is bad to very bad
: it was one of my primary concerns.
So I oriented me to Condor : easier (after a while) to manipulate. I
like its macro approach for the configurations files.
I modified on-the-fly the gridengine to accomodate the varying
requirements on my servers (used for db and interactive apps during the
day, idle during the night), but the Requirements and Ranking approach
of Condor seems very interesting.
The integration of end-users seems also better designed.
About GLOBUS integration, I have not yet any experience (prototyping on
that), but Condor seems well in advance. I hope to be quickly ready to
try Condor-G.
I would be also very glad to read about more elaborate experience.
On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 16:38, Colin Gillespie wrote:
> Dear All,
> Could anyone explain the main differences between Sun grid Engine and condor to me? Has anyone here used Sun grid and switched to condor?
> I look forward to unbiased points of view :)
> Thanks
> Colin
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Dr Alain Empain <alain.empain@xxxxxxxxx> <alain@xxxxxxxxxx>
Bioinformatics, Molecular Genetics,
Fac. Med. Vet., University of Liège, Belgium
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