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Re: [condor-users] Starter crashes, Shadow exception
> Can you create the directory (e.g., /var/home/condor/execute/dir_2064)
> when under 'nobody' or 'condor' account?
Ahhhh, thanks! I tested it as user condor. Of course, that's the point.
~condor/ is drwx------, so user nobody can obviously not access
~condor/execute . Changing ~condor/ to drwx-----x did the trick.
However, how can I then prevent users on the executing machines from
accessing ~condor/execute ? The executing machines are accessible to
students from the institute, and I don't want them to be able to access or
fiddle with job data.
Thanks for your help!
Michael Schmuker
Michael Schmuker
University of Frankfurt
Chair of Cheminformatics
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