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[condor-users] Pool node maintenance
I'd like to do some maintenance on a pool node, but since it's running a
vanilla universe job I cannot vacate it without losing the work of
several days. I also cannot watch it all the time so I can stop it the
very moment when the job has finished and the node hasn't negotiated a
new one. What I'm looking for is a way to "put the node on hold" so it
wouldn't accept any further jobs, without interrupting the one(s)
already running on its vm(s). From the manual pages I concluded that
condor_off -startd would NOT do the trick, so is there a way to do it,
and if not, will it be implemented in a future release at least?
Steffen Grunewald * * * Merlin cluster admin (
Albert-Einstein-Institut (MPI Gravitationsphysik,
Science Park Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
e-mail: steffen.grunewald(*) * +49-331-567-{fon:7233,fax:7298}
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