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Re: [condor-users] How to submit a job to a specific machine
- Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:09:42 +0200
- From: Walter Penits <walter.penits@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [condor-users] How to submit a job to a specific machine
Roberto Gonz=E1lez <rgonz@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Anybody knows how can I submit a job to a specific machine on my
> pool??
You can also define a "machine group" (sub-pool):
(thanks to Derek Wright for his help)
We define in condor_config.local (central master, linux):
amd = Machine == "" \
|| Machine == "" \
|| Machine == "" \
|| Machine == ""
submit_exprs = amd
requirements = amd && Opsys=="WINNT"
Also useful:
(maybe there is a better way..)
condor_config.local (central master, linux):
windows = OpSys == "WINNT40" || \
OpSys == "WINNT50" || \
OpSys == "WINNT51"
# if OpSys is not set,it would be "linux" by default...
append_requirements = OpSys != "undefined"
submit_exprs = amd,windows
requirements = amd && windows
good luck,
Walter Penits
IT-Management Computational Physics Group
Informatik Lehre
Institute for Experimental Physics
University of Vienna, Austria
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