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[condor-users] DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
- Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 12:11:27 +0100
- From: Alexander Klyubin <A.Kljubin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [condor-users] DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
I'm running a Condor pool of 6.5.3 (Linux) and 6.5.4 (Windows) machines.
My collector machine is a Linux one. As suggested in Condor
documentation the machine's firewall allows connections to ports 9614
and 9618 (TCP/UDP). Moreover, as this machine is also used as a worker
and submission machine it has a range of ports open which are used by
shadow processes. LOWPORT and HIGHPORT settings specify this range of
port in the machine's configuration file (LOWPORT=29000, HIGHPORT=40000).
Linux machines (Condor 6.5.3) work fine in the pool. Windows machines
(Condor 6.5.4) exhibit strange behavior. When a job is to be removed or
preempted on a Windows machine it takes quite a lot of time for this to
happen (e.g. 15 minutes). I think there's something wrong with the
communication between these Windows machines and the collector machine.
My best guess is that the job gets killed, but collector machine is not
aware of that for quite some time.
I also sometimes get strange entries in Master log on the collector
machine. Here's an example of such entry:
DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
klyubin:6699:1062459284:280, failing.
Has anybody noticed similar behavior?
Best Regards,
Alexander Klyubin
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