Thanks Jaime, Your explanation is helpful, it doesnât explain the effect AFAICT, do you agree? See here: â> condor_history -completedsince $(date -d "4 days ago" +"%s") -print-format ~templon/done-cpususage.cpf -wide:148 | head JOB_ID Username CMD Finished CPUS CPuse MEMREQ RAM MEM ST CPU_TIME LWALL_TIME WALL_TIME WorkerNode 715700.0 roystege pineko theory -c / 10/30 10:00 32 3.612 264.0 GB 7.2 GB 7.2 GB C 1:33:59 4:25 4:25 wn-knek-014 715686.0 roystege pineko theory -c / 10/30 09:59 32 31.38 264.0 GB 9.8 MB 9.8 MB C 0 1:44:41 1:44:41 wn-lot-064 715557.0 roystege pineko theory -c / 10/30 09:59 32 0.280 264.0 GB 9.5 GB 9.5 GB C 9+02:42:51 11:13:46 11:13:46 wn-knek-016 715699.0 roystege pineko theory -c / 10/30 09:55 32 0.0 264.0 GB 3.4 MB 195.3 MB C 6 4 4 wn-knek-014 LWALL_TIME and WALL_TIME - the âLâ is for the âLastâ as you suggest. They are identical in these cases. See the second line above : âCPuseâ is 31.38, according to you itâs "computed from the cpu usage and wall clock time of just the last execution of the job (no file transfer time included)â. The CPU used is â0â according to the output. The next line, the CPU TIME is about 18 times the wall times, but CPuse is only 0.280. Do you see how both of these are possible without something being wrong? Thanks, JT Ps see the CPF file below, itâs slightly different than in the previous mail SELECT NOSUMMARY ClusterId AS JOB_ID PRINTAS JOB_ID Owner AS ' Username' join(" ",split(Cmd,"/")[size(split(Cmd,"/"))-1], Args) AS ' CMD' WIDTH -18 CompletionDate AS ' Finished ' PRINTAS DATE CpusProvisioned AS ' CPUS' WIDTH 3 CpusUsage AS ' CPuse' WIDTH 5 MemoryProvisioned AS ' MEMREQ' PRINTAS READABLE_MB ResidentSetSize AS ' RAM' PRINTAS READABLE_KB WIDTH 8 ImageSize AS ' MEM' PRINTAS READABLE_KB WIDTH 10 JobStatus AS "ST" PRINTAS JOB_STATUS interval(RemoteUserCpu) AS " CPU_TIME" WIDTH 12 interval(LastRemoteWallClockTime) AS " LWALL_TIME" WIDTH 12 interval(RemoteWallClockTime) AS " WALL_TIME" WIDTH 12 split(splitSlotName(LastRemoteHost)[1], ".")[0] AS "WorkerNode" WIDTH -12