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[HTCondor-users] Condor 23.10.1 compatibility problem with Conda

What are the security implications (if any) and functional changes (if any) from deleting /etc/condor/config.d/00-security installed by condor-23.10.1-1.el8.x86_64?

That configuration file appears to be the only one installed by the RPM and contains the single un-commented line, "use security:recommended" that causes the following compatibility problem with Conda python bindings:

# What is the system installed version of Condor?
(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ which condor_version

(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ condor_version
$CondorVersion: 23.10.1 2024-10-03 BuildID: 759508 PackageID: 23.10.1-1 GitSHA: acedc362 $
$CondorPlatform: x86_64_AlmaLinux8 $

# What Conda environment and conda-forge versions
(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ echo $CONDA_PREFIX
/cvmfs/software.igwn.org/conda/envs/igwn <http://software.igwn.org/conda/envs/igwn>

(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ conda list | grep -i condor
htcondor-classads         23.9.6               heed6a68_2    conda-forge
libcondor_utils           23.9.6               h2e7aa3c_2    conda-forge
pycondor                  0.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-htcondor           23.9.6          py310h89a073e_2    conda-forge

(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ which python
/cvmfs/software.igwn.org/conda/envs/igwn/bin/python <http://software.igwn.org/conda/envs/igwn/bin/python>

# Compatbility problem for both the python package htcondor and htcondor2
(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ python -c "import htcondor"
Error: use security:recommended: does not recognise recommended
Config source Error "/etc/condor/config.d/00-security", Line 28: at use security:recommended:recommended
Configuration Error Line 28 while reading config source /etc/condor/config.d/00-security

(igwn) [stuart.anderson@ldas-osg ~]$ python -c "import htcondor2"
Error: use security:recommended: does not recognise recommended
Config source Error "/etc/condor/config.d/00-security", Line 28: at use security:recommended:recommended
Configuration Error Line 28 while reading config source /etc/condor/config.d/00-security


Stuart Anderson