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Re: [HTCondor-users] subscription page not working ?

Hello Stefano,

I found that this link works on-campus, but not off-campus. So, I suspect a firewall issue. You can subscribe by email.

I am having our networking folks look at the problem. I'll let you know when it is fixed.


On 10/14/24 08:55, Stefano Belforte wrote:
I am helping a new person to subscribe to this list.

I found instructions in https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://htcondor.org/contact/__;!!Mak6IKo!Ibqu8FCAAcCkjUqIudALdacKF9mRcicYM0wFufyyYTBI2PdxBbV-5q-6RBUBwivI5UUpSpX2WV_6MDoim__ha_5f1Jc$ but the link in there


simply times out.

Is there a different URL or procedure ? Or is this a temporary glitch ?



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Tim Theisen (he, him, his)
Release Manager
HTCondor & Open Science Grid
Center for High Throughput Computing
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison
4261 Computer Sciences and Statistics
1210 W Dayton St
Madison, WI 53706-1685
+1 608 265 5736