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[HTCondor-users] september scheduler workshops

Good morning,

For those infrastructure minded folks who couldn't make it to the European workshop this year, here is the contribution list with links to slides from the meeting a few weeks ago in Nikhef. https://indico.cern.ch/event/1386170/contributions/

The Slurm User Group meeting this year was across the North Sea in Oslo and it interestingly had a few talks focused on HTC issues. So take a look if you want to know what other folks are up to. It's nice to see some of the issues we regularly talk about here, especially for those of us who maintain general purpose Slurm clusters.

- summaries: https://slug24.splashthat.com/
- slide links: https://www.schedmd.com/publications/


Matthew T. West
DevOps & HPC SysAdmin
University of Exeter, Research IT
57 Laver Building, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QE, United Kingdom