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[HTCondor-users] Usage of $(HOUR) in submit files

Dear all,

some of our users noticed that with HTCondor-23 (23.0.10 in our case)
variables like $(HOUR) are no longer usable in submit files:

[wgs34] ~/projects/htcondor/jobs % grep Runtime job-simple-with-time.sdl
+RequestRuntime	= 10 * $(HOUR)
[wgs34] ~/projects/htcondor/jobs % condor_submit job-simple-with-time.sdl
Submitting job(s)ERROR: Parse error in expression: 
	RequestRuntime = 10 * 

However, variable is still defined:

[wgs34] ~/projects/htcondor/jobs % condor_config_val HOUR

It still works / worked on submission hosts with HTC-10. Is this a
regression? Or a documented behaviour?

| Andreas Haupt            | E-Mail: andreas.haupt@xxxxxxx
| DESY, Zeuthen            | WWW:    http://www.zeuthen.desy.de/~ahaupt
| Platanenallee 6          | Phone: +49/33762/7-7359
| D-15738 Zeuthen          |

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