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Re: [HTCondor-users] Preferred htcss installation method

But I have to wonder, what improvement to the overall throughput of the pool would you get by using a tuned set of compile flags for that microarchitecture rather than a provided binary? Any at all?

I would expect the gains, if any, to be extremely marginal, except in unusual situations. Assuming that "the throughput of the pool" means, let's say, how many jobs complete per week, we can try to guess at how many more jobs would complete by determining how much shorter the interval
between job starts on the same resources would be if HTCondor didn't use
any CPU time at all.  (I ignore resources used by the AP and CM because
they don't run jobs in the pools I'm familiar with.)

So: a job in a slot completes. If the slot is re-used, it doesn't take HTCondor very long at all to start transferring the next job -- I would expect on the order of seconds at the most, with most of that time being trying ot get the schedd's attention. Assuming an average job length of an hour, even if it takes ten seconds to start transferring the next job, that's less than .3% extra time that could be gained.

The more interesting case would be when the slot can't be re-used and has to be renegotiated. The negotiator certainly uses a fair amount of CPU, but my impression was that most of the length of any given negotiator cycle was taken up by i/o of various kinds. Ignoring that, even on fairly large pools, a negotiation cycle usually takes less than a minute, so even if each slot finished just after a negotiation cycle started and thus didn't become active until just after the end of the next one, you're looking at ~2/62, or saving ~3% even if the negotiation cycle took no time at all.

I would expect the largest possible gain from either case to be much smaller in practice, and of course, only a fraction of that gain can be unlocked by compiler optimizations.

-- ToddM