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Re: [HTCondor-users] Weirdness with cputime, wall time and cpususage

Hi Jeff,

regarding the wall time: do you have cores unallocated or so?
Since Condor uses cpu weights but not pinning by default, jobs get a relative share of the overall core weighted CPU time (but not *a* core per se). So, if there are cpu cycles free, a process with a relative CPU time share can be more cycle time than nominally assigned. So my guess would be that you have either not all cores as slots or that some jobs are idling around for some time and that other jobs can jump onto their cycles.


On 13/06/2024 13.13, Jeff Templon wrote:

Looking at the docs, Iâd expect that (for single core jobs),

- cpu time will be less than wall time
- wall time * CpusUsage = cpu time

Some observations (using data from condor_history) after the job has completed, in some cases an hour or more ago:

- cpu time is missing (not always, but often)
- CpusUsage is more often than not slightly more than 1.00 (see attachment)

Is this a bug, or an unconventional definition of the various pieces, or some factor Iâve failed to account for?

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