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Re: [HTCondor-users] condor_userprio -allusers and condor_userprio differ in output and unable to change -setceil

Hi Christoph,

Setting a userprio to -1 doesn't seem to change the output or the behaviour on the cluster. We're running version 23.6.1---not sure if that makes a difference?

Previously we used caps for our local user submitters because there were many "oopsies" submissions which would destroy the torque headnode. If its not needed, we can always remove it but we're not using any accounting quotas at the moment and would likely only set this for two groups who have designated resources they have purchased. So we went for the userprio floor and ceiling method. Maybe we should handle this a different way...


On 10/06/2024 16:44, Beyer, Christoph wrote:
Hi Mary,

for resetting the ceiling you need to set it to '-1' e.g.

condor_userprio -setceil maryh@xxxxxxxxx -1

If you have nested accountiggroups you need to use <acctgrp>.mary@xxxxxxxxx

In general the ceiling is more meant like an absolute boundary e.g. for naughty user and not as a dynamic tool to control the usage of the pool - at least that's how I understand it.

The regular usage should be regulated by accounting quotas rather including surplus usage and priorities ...
