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Re: [HTCondor-users] problem using custom Ads in htcondor.Submit object

Enlightening ToddM !!! Thanks (as usual).
how do I set a string value then ? classad.quote("TestString") ?
please forgive my naivety :-(

On 04/06/2024 18:36, Todd L Miller via HTCondor-users wrote:
jdl['+StefanoAd'] = "TestString"
jdl['+CRAB_TT'] = "ROOT"

ÂÂÂÂNote that this sets the ClassAd expression StefanoAd to the ClassAd attribute reference TestString, not the _string_ "TestString", which given the name, is probably not what you're expecting. Likewise, CRAB_TT is being set to the attribute reference ROOT, which happens to be magical. I'm not sure why this works in the JDL, but perhaps there's more magic in the parser there than I thought.

- ToddM
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