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[HTCondor-users] CFP Open for EU HTCondor Week September in Amsterdam

Dear colleagues,

Abstract submissions are now open for this year's European HTCondor Week! The event will be held 24-27 September at Nikhef in Amsterdam.

We are looking for submissions including (but not limited to):

- Workflows with HTCondor;
- Data storage, access, and usage with HTCondor;
- GPU usage with HTCondor from an infrastructure and/or user perspective;
- HTCondor overlays with, for example, slurm, kubernettes;
- From el7 to el9: transition stories, feedback, and lessons;
- User experience with HTCondor (the good and the bad!).

More information can be found at: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1386170/.

Early bird registration is now open until August 26!

Registration costs are:

- 80 euros (early bird)/100 euros for research or academic attendees,
- 250 euros for commercial attendees, and
- 25 euros for student attendees.

We also would like to give an early thanks to our sponsors, NetApp, AMD-GPU and Lenovo, for making this event possible!

Please register at your earliest convenience and submit an abstract to share your experiences with HTCondor! We look forward to seeing you in September.

On behalf of the organising committee,

Mary Hester (Nikhef)
Chair of the Local Organising Committee

Chris Brew (STFC - RAL) and Christoph Beyer (DESY)
Co-Chairs of organising committee

Todd Tannenbaum
HTCondor Technical Lead, U Wisconsin, Madison, USA