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Re: [HTCondor-users] Limit no of jobs submitted by users

You may also limit the number of cores that a particular user can use in a pool by using

    condor_userprio -setceil



On 3/24/23 16:36, Todd Tannenbaum via HTCondor-users wrote:

                   We need to put some restrictions on our HT condor set-up. 

1.  Need to limit Max number no of jobs by a user who is found to be abusing resources.  

2.  Need to limit the total Max number of jobs by all users. 

Please let me know how to implement the above two requirements.

Hi Gagan,

You were not clear above if you want to limit the max number of jobs that can be submitted, or the max number of jobs that can run.

To point you in the right direction, the following configuration limits can be setup on on your submit node (ie the server running your condor_schedd, known as the Access Point):

MAX_JOBS_RUNNING : Limits the number of jobs (vanilla or container) this condor_schedd may have running (across all users) at any one time on an Execute node.
MAX_JOBS_SUBMITTED: Limits the number of jobs contained in the Access Point queue.
MAX_JOBS_PER_OWNER: Limits the number of jobs any given owner (user) is permitted to have within a condor_schedd daemonâs queue
MAX_JOBS_PER_SUBMISSION: Limits the number of jobs any single submission is permitted to add to a condor_schedd daemonâs queue.

Don't forget to do a condor_reconfig (or condor_restart) after changing the above settings. Details on the above settings can be found in the Manual starting at :

You can also just configure your condor_schedd to deny access to a user, e.g. you could add to the config on your schedd machine something like:
   DENY_WRITE = bad_user@*

Finally, you can set a limit on the number of jobs a single user can run pool-wide (i.e. across all Access Points), in the event that a user can submit from more than one schedd.  To do this, use condor_userprio with the "-setceil" option.  See

Hope the above helps,

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