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[HTCondor-users] Notification :- setting "notify_user" as variable not working

Hi Guys,
        ÂI need condor to send email notifications to the job owner.
I have captured the user's email id in a variable and passedÂthat in the submit file but condor doesn't seem to be using it and sending e-mail do owner@uid-domain which is default.Â

I am using following python codes to achieveÂthis :-Â

def submit_jobs():

    emailid = get_email()  ( capturing user email as str )
    emailid = emailid.split() ( capturing user email as list )

    job = htcondor.Submit({
                "executable": "$(bin)",
                "arguments": "$(config)",
                "output": "$(outfile)",
                "error": "$(errfile)",
                "log": "jobstatus.log",
                "request_cpus": "1",
                "request_memory": "2GB",
                "request_disk": "4MB",
                "RunAsOwner": "True",
                "notification": "Always",
                "notify_user": "$(emailid)",
                "should_transfer_files": "No",

I tried passing user email id both as str and as list but nothing worked.

Please let me know what I am missing here.Â
