12/12/23 11:06:25 (pid:551974) job_transforms for 12104372.1: 2 considered, 2 applied (SetTeam,SetWaitForSec)
12/12/23 11:15:30 (pid:551974) match (
slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xx.xx.140.191:9618?addrs=xx.xx.140.191-9618&alias=
for testuser) switching to job 12104372.1
12/12/23 11:15:30 (pid:551974) Shadow pid 3126758 switching to job 12104372.1.
12/12/23 11:15:30 (pid:551974) Starting add_shadow_birthdate(12104372.1)
12/12/23 11:15:30 (pid:551974) Match record (
slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xx.xx.140.191:9618?addrs=xx.xx.140.191-9618&alias=
for testuser, 12104372.1) deleted
12/12/23 11:15:30 (pid:551974) Shadow pid 3126758 for job 12104372.1 exited with status 108
12/12/23 11:23:11 (pid:551974) Starting add_shadow_birthdate(12104372.1)
12/12/23 11:23:11 (pid:551974) Started shadow for job 12104372.1 on
slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xx.xx.xx.xx:9618?addrs=xx.xx.140.126-9618&alias=
test126.example.com&noUDP&sock=startd_3028316_784f> for testuser, (shadow pid = 3159624)
12/12/23 11:54:37 (pid:551974) Shadow pid 3159624 for job 12104372.1 exited with status 115
12/12/23 11:54:37 (pid:551974) Match record (
slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xx.xx.xx.xx:9618?addrs=xx.xx.140.126-9618&alias=
for testuser, 12104372.1) deleted