Yes! We need more per user/owner controls.
What else?
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 16, 2023, at 11:27, Beyer, Christoph <christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
for a long time we deal with people that are sending ultra-short jobs with a runtime of a couple of seconds (I assume they are looking at one ntuples or something similar).
These jobs cause probably more overhead computing time than goodput and give reasons for shared FS trouble every now and then. I would like to educate the users and make very short jobs un-attractive.
I was looking for something like 'max_jobstarts_per_user' (which does not exist) or a way to alter the slotweight and the priority by counting every jobstart like a full 3h running job in order to give these people a really bad priority but so far did
not find a propper way to do so :(
Any ideas somebody ?
Christoph Beyer
DESY Hamburg
Notkestr. 85
Building 02b, Room 009
22607 Hamburg
mail: christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx
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