we are currently working on a htcondor setup. We have a shared filesystem, but we always need to use absolute paths for all arguments in the submission script to make it work. Here is an example submission script: https://gist.github.com/thorstenwagner/2390bd92d77736977cc8c5b6a0077ce0
When I submit this submission script, my working directory is "/home/twagner/htcondor/condor_submit_test/test_exe/cryolo/"
I guess there is a way to circumvent the specification of absolute paths?
Thanks in advance!
Best, Thorsten ___________________________
Dr. Thorsten Wagner Project Group Leader - Computational Structural Biology
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology Structural Biochemistry Otto-Hahn Strasse 11 D-44227 Dortmund Phone +49-(0)231-133-2302
Room: B.2.29