Welcome to HTCondor Week 2022! Zoom Info: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96722190576?pwd=Y0twSnh3SzNnaVdYRnZQZzdJWHVTZz09 Meeting ID: 967 2219 0576 Passcode: 088315 Do not share these zoom credentials and please keep them private.
We'll use this same meeting room for all four days of the event. If you run into any technical problems, please send an email to htcondor-week@xxxxxxxxxxx and somebody on the team will get back to you right away. All other meeting details, including a schedule of events, are available on the website: Detailed Schedule: https://agenda.hep.wisc.edu/event/1733/timetable/#all.detailed We are recording all the presentations and will announce after the event when they are publicly posted.
The HTCondor Team