From: Todd Tannenbaum <tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022, 23:16
To: HTCondor-Users Mail List <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Dudu Handelman <duduhandelman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] Multiple negotiator's
On 8/16/2022 10:01 AM, Dudu Handelman wrote:
Hi again.
Let me ask it differently. I'm planning 10k executers pool. I assume that a single negotiator will have a long cycle.
What are my options?
Some quick thoughts off the top of my head:
1. Use a current version of HTCondor (i.e. v9.0 or above).
2. Don't use job preemption, and add the following in your central manager condor config:
# Disable preemption to improve performance; default value is True
By disabling preemption, the cycle speeds up considerably because the negotiator will not need to collect and consider any slots that are already claimed.
3. Don't run any compute intensive or memory intensive tasks on the server acting as your central manager, and make your central manager Linux (even if most of your pool consists of Windows or Mac servers).
4. You can tell the condor_negotiator to use multiple CPU cores on your central manager. So if, for example, your central manager has 16 or more CPU cores and is only running the condor_collector and condor_negotiator, I'd suggest adding to the config:
# Use multiple threads in the negotiator to improve performance; default value is 1
5. Extend CLAIM_WORKLIFE to something longer than 20 minutes; this controls how long a slot can be claimed by a specific user and reused for multiple jobs without going back to the negotiator. The upside of making this longer is less work for the negotiator,
the downside is the system will be slower to react to moving slots from low priority users to high priority users. E.g.
# Extend the amount of time a user can re-use a slot for multiple jobs to 200 min (default is 20min)
6. Given you are talking about 10k slots and a significant number of short jobs, your bottleneck may not be the negotiator, but the schedd's ability to launch jobs at a rate of greater than 10 per second. Thus you may want to have multiple schedds (i.e. horizontally
scale to multiple schedds). Also do not submit jobs to the schedds one at a time; e.g. use "queue 500" or job late materialization if able to submit in batches of more than 500 (see If you have an overburdened/slow schedd, it will slow down the negotiation cycle.
7. Worst case: you can horizontally scale negotiators. For example, your central manager could have one condor_collector and two condor_negotiators, where each negotiator is responsible for finding matches for 50% of the startds in your pool. The trick here
is to use knob NEGOTIATOR_SLOT_CONTRAINT to tell each negotiator which slots they are matching. I doubt you will need to go this far, but it is a technique we've used with pools that have more than 200,000 slots...
Hope this helps,