I recently upgraded our HTCondor from 8.6.8 to 9.10.0. Thanks to the documentation and answers found by searching this mailing list, I think I've got most things working. But I'm running into an issue that I haven't been able to figure out yet.
Using Condor 8.6.x, the permissions of the output (*.dag.lib.out) and error (*.dag.lib.err) files created by `condor_submit` wereÂ0664 (-rw-rw-r--). However, under the new version, the permissions are 0600 (-rw-------).
I am using logstash to ingest the contents of these files into Elasticsearch for logging purposes but given the new permissions, logstash isn't able to read the files like it was when the permissions were 0664. If I manuallyÂchange the permissions of these files, logstash works as it did with condor 8.6.8. Since the output and error files are re-generated automatically every time `condor_submit_dag` is run, manuallyÂeditingÂfile permissions is not feasible.
My submit file includes `getenv = True`
The umask for the user running `condor_submit_dag` is 0002
`/usr/bin/condor_submit` and `/usr/bin/condor_submit_dag` do not have setuid set
Based on that, my understanding is that `condor_submit` and `condor_submit_dag` should be running using the environment of the user and so should be using 0644 as their umask.
AnyÂsuggestions on how to change the default file permissions of the condor_submit output and error files?