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Re: [HTCondor-users] HTCondor-CE 5 and LSF

Great, thanks 


On 18 May 2021, at 23:53, Brian Lin <blin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

And for reference, here's the walltime bug with a more robust workaround:


- Brian

On 5/18/21 3:26 PM, Brian Lin wrote:
Hi Cristina,

The new htcondor-ce-5.1.1-1 RPMs are available in the RC repository so you should be able to run:

    yum update --enablerepo=htcondor-rc htcondor-ce

Note that we just discovered a bug with how we pass along max walltime to the underlying batch system where maxWallTime/default_maxWallTime aren't respected. To get around this, you can set the following in your job routes:

    eval_set_BatchRuntime = <max walltime in seconds>;


On 5/18/21 1:20 PM, Cristina Bulfon wrote:
Hi Brian,

Thanks so much.

On 18 May 2021, at 17:40, Brian Lin <blin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Cristina,

That looks like an oversight in the packaging. I've created a ticket to track this fix https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/browse/HTCONDOR-504 and I should have packages ready for you to try out soon with a release later this week.

Thanks for the report!

On 5/18/21 8:31 AM, Cristina Bulfon wrote:

IĆ¢'m installing HTCondor-CE 5 with LSF as lrms backend, I've got an error when I tried to install the rpm htcondor-ce-lsf

Error: Package: htcondor-ce-lsf-5.1.0-1.el7.noarch (htcondor)
           Requires: /usr/libexec/condor/glite/bin/batch_gahp

This file is not present either in condor-externals or in blahp package.

Any help is appreciated.

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