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Re: [HTCondor-users] exec node only for specific submitters
- Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:57:22 -0600
- From: Greg Thain <gthain@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] exec node only for specific submitters
On 1/6/21 6:43 AM, Nagaraj Panyam wrote:
Please help me with proper syntax for execute node policy, by which
jobs submitted from a particular submit node are executed and all
other jobs are not, even if job slots are free.
Assuming that all jobs are coming from condor_submit on a given submit
machine, and not, say python, the easiest way to do this is to define an
attribute that condor_submit will put in all jobs submitted from a
particular machine:
So, in the config file on the submit machine, add (changing
IsSpecialSubmitMachine to something more meaningful for your site)
IsSpecialSubmitMachine = true
SUBMIT_ATTRS = $(SUBMIT_ATTTS) IsSpecialSubmitMachine
Then, on all the execute nodes, set the START expression to mention
this, like so
START = IsSpecialSubmitMachine
You'll need to condor_reconfig or restart the execute machines for this
to take effect.