Hi even with the last htcondor version, 8.8.12, I continue to experience this odd behaviour. Jobs belonging to AccountingGroup group_cms.grid are not considered for Negotiation Here [1] you can find Negotiator cycle log at D_FULLEDEBUG [root@htc-ctl-01 ~]# condor_userprio Last Priority Update: 11/27 11:10 Group Config Use Effective Priority Res Total Usage Time Since Requested User Name Quota Surplus Priority Factor In Use (wghted-hrs) Last Usage Resources --------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------ --------- ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- group_cms.grid 0.90 ByQuota 1000.00 1552 535551.81 <now> 1207 cms004@ReCaSCluster 16200.19 1000.00 24 1224.63 <now> cms016@ReCaSCluster 1614032.00 1000.00 1528 516462.25 <now [root@htc-ctl-01 ~]# condor_q -global -cons '(x509UserProxyVOName == "cms")'| grep "Total for query" Total for query: 128 jobs; 0 completed, 25 removed, 40 idle, 63 running, 0 held, 0 suspended Total for query: 134 jobs; 0 completed, 21 removed, 40 idle, 73 running, 0 held, 0 suspended Total for query: 106 jobs; 0 completed, 10 removed, 40 idle, 56 running, 0 held, 0 suspended 11/27/20 11:14:46 group quotas: fairshare (2): group= group_cms quota= 3451.21 allocated= 0 requested= 0 11/27/20 11:14:46 group quotas: fairshare (1): group= group_cms.grid quota= 3106.09 requested= 1230 11/27/20 11:14:46 group quotas: fairshare (2): group= group_cms.grid quota= 3106.09 allocated= 1230 requested= 0 11/27/20 11:14:46 Group group_cms.grid - skipping, at or over quota (quota=3106.09) (usage=1536) (allocation=1230) Ale [1] https://istnazfisnucl-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ale_infn_it/EYnHrCJ15-9HgMAMsk1unwMBBhAQVySYdUp_macs0N_y3w?e=g03mKy