Hi again,
is it actually (easily?) possible to submit from a remote submit node to
a Condor CE?
bkg: I am trying to submit jobs based on [1] to a HTCondorCE. I.e.,
instead of a 'local' vanilla universe job, I want to submit the job as a
grid-type job to a remote CE defined by 'grid_resource'. However, the
jobs end up on the 'local' sched/cluster.
I guess the main problem is, that the submit node is actually a remote
submitter with the actual schedd being on another host [3].
Since we have several job transforms on the actual schedds, I suppose
one would need a transform there to divert grid-type jobs and forward
them to the Condor CE, or?
cat HTCondorCE.submit
universe = grid
use_x509userproxy = true
# +Owner = undefined
grid_resource = condor grid-vm08.desy.de grid-vm08.desy.de:9619
executable = mypayload.sh
output = stdout
error = stderr
log = logs
ShouldTransferFiles = YES
WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
condor_submit -debug HTCondorCE.submit
07/16/20 15:44:43 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
07/16/20 15:44:43 Failed to decode JWT in keyfile
'/afs/desy.de/user/h/hartmath/.condor/tokens.d/x509up_u26551'; ignoring.
07/16/20 15:44:43 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
Submitting job(s)07/16/20 15:44:43 CREDMON: invoking
07/16/20 15:44:44 CREDMON: storing cred for user hartmath@(null)
07/16/20 15:44:44 STORE_CRED: In mode 'add'
07/16/20 15:44:44 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
07/16/20 15:44:44 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
07/16/20 15:44:44 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
07/16/20 15:44:44 Can't open directory "/etc/condor/passwords.d" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 7188018.
grep HOST /etc/condor/config.d/10rsubmit.conf
CONDOR_HOST = bird-htc-master01.desy.de
SCHEDD_HOST = bird-htc-sched11.desy.de
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