Hey List,
I've stumbled upon a bug in the Python Bindings v8.9.6. I'm writing here
as there is no clear way to submit a ticket (might require an account?).
The Submit.queue_with_itemdata method causes a segmentation fault when
the iterator passed raises an exception during next(it).
Submit.queue_with_itemdata() should check whether an exception occurred
during next(it) and pass on this exception to its Python caller.
Minimal reproducible example:
import htcondor
def my_it():
raise Exception()
yield {}
sub = htcondor.Submit()
schedd = htcondor.Schedd()
with schedd.transaction() as txn:
result = sub.queue_with_itemdata(txn, itemdata=my_it())
#6721 ([1]) also describes various segmentation faults, but these are
probably unrelated. I presume this segfault occurs because callers of
[2] do not check for a Python exception and thus use invalid data at
some point.
Paul Skopnik
[1]: https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/tktview?tn=6721
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