We had a problem with the condor service not starting on an Ubuntu 18 (debian) system because the /var/run/condor didn't exist. /var/run/condor didn't exist because theÂsystemd-tmpfiles-setupÂservice runs before theÂsssdÂservice, so the creation command in theÂ/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/condor-tmpfiles.confÂfile installed by htcondor failed because "condor" wasn't recognized as an account name. We ending up creating another debian
package to resolve this; the source is available https://github.com/NMRbox/nmrbox-configuration-htcondor,
in case this is of use to anyone else.
Gerard Weatherby|
Application Architect
NMRbox | Department of
Molecular Biology and Biophysics | UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue,
Farmington, CT 06030-6406