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Re: [HTCondor-users] HTCondor on Debian 10 (problem with renamed libboost python libraries)
- Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 09:47:18 +0200
- From: Steffen Grunewald <steffen.grunewald@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] HTCondor on Debian 10 (problem with renamed libboost python libraries)
On Mon, 2019-07-29 at 21:53:26 +0000, Tim Theisen wrote:
> I have put up a repository from Debian 10 (Buster).
> I built this on a VM and lightly tested it. (Ran a jobs and tried out the python bindings).
Hi Tim,
so we now have at least two (non-identical) condor_8.8.4.orig.tar.gz files?
I think this is in violation of Debian packaging rules, but what do I know...
(I'd have expected the orig tarball to be left unchanged, and the mods
supplied as a set of patches instead, with an updated build number. Will
try to make that conversion myself...)
Is this Buster-specific or would the package build on Stretch as well?
- S
Steffen Grunewald, Cluster Administrator
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
Am Mühlenberg 1 * D-14476 Potsdam-Golm * Germany
Fon: +49-331-567 7274
Mail: steffen.grunewald(at)