Hello,You have mentioned to kill the job hence following link may not apply to you but still sharing it as it's a good example of taking an action on a job running more than stipulated time.ÂComing back to your question basically you need to use STARTD evacuate condition. You may need to set the following on your executor nodes to kill the jobs running for more than 3600s (i.e 1 hour)Maxruntime = 3600
Runtimeexceeded = (totaljobruntime > $(maxruntime))
PREEMPT = $(RunTimeExceeded)
Hope if helps.ÂThanks & Regards,Vikrant Aggarwal_______________________________________________On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 10:41 AM Nishit Shah <nishitshah2017@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi,_______________________________________________I want to execute jobs with time limit on each job.Like may be 1 hr (at max) so any job executing in execute node should either complete the job within one hour or it will be killed.I tried using maxjobretirementtime = 60 in the job description file just to check whether its gets killed within 60 secs, but it is not working.I am not sure whether the provided command is actually the one that should be used.I want to know what should be mentioned in the job description file and also in the machine condor_config.local file if I want to set for every job running in particular execute node to be completed with a certain time frame.I am running condor in Ubuntu 18.04 and condor version is 8.8.4Please let me know if there are any other file I need to provide.Regards,Nishit
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