Hi Keith,
Sorry to hear that you have issues!
If you're going for a "simple, secure" setup, I would recommend using PASSWORD auth (slides 11-17 of the presentation you linked https://indico.cern.ch/event/272794/contributions/614951/attachments/490442/677973/MillerZ-Securing.pdf).
There are some limitations for PASSWORD noted in the slides (namely: flocking multiple pools together and remote submission); it doesn't sound like you will hit those limitations currently. In 8.9.2, we have started to lift those limitations
(life will get easier in 8.9.3 and yet again in 8.9.4).
SSL is relatively complex because, well, setting up a public key infrastructure is relatively complex. 8.9.3 will provide a few sane defaults (less knobs to turn), but there's a limit to how simple it can go.
Any reason why you gravitate toward SSL instead of PASSWORD?