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Re: [HTCondor-users] Transferring PreCmd and PostCmd while retaining non-transfer behavior?

> On Feb 8, 2019, at 5:44 PM, Michael Pelletier <Michael.V.Pelletier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Per the manual, you have to input-transfer your PreCmd and PostCmd scripts since they're executed out of $_CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR. But by enabling the file transfer your job winds up running in the scratch space, rather than the directory from which it was submitted. What's the proper way to revert a submission back to running in the submitted directory via a shared filesystem, but while still using transferred PreCmd and PostCmds?
> For system-supplied commands, I've done MY.PreCmd = "../../../../../../bin/mv" or the like, but I won't necessarily have a priori knowledge of where the custom scripts are located.

I think this behavior about the PreCmd and PostCmd paths is a bug. If the job is relying on a shared filesystem (i.e. no file transfer), then the paths should be relative to the jobâs initialdir, and you should be able to specify a full path.

 - Jaime