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Re: [HTCondor-users] Fwd: Re: DAG error: "BAD EVENT: job (...) executing, total end count != 0 (1)"

Hi Mark,

In the meantime, there's a workaround you can use that is safer than the one we talked about previously. If you set a value for your EVENT_LOG configuration knob (which is empty by default), that should force the shadow to run the code that refreshes the job ID. The value should be the path to a file where events can get written. More info here:


Please give this a try, and we'll keep you posted on getting this problem fixed.

So my dag file starts by

CONFIG /data/procdata/web/dqr/test_20190220_narnaud/dag/dag.config

and the contents of that file are

EVENT_LOG = /data/procdata/web/dqr/test_20190220_narnaud/dag/event.log

Yet, when I run the dag, there is no particular problem but nothing gets written in EVENT_LOG.

In the dagman.dag.out file I see

02/20/19 12:14:42 Using DAGMan config file: /data/procdata/web/dqr/test_20190220_narnaud/dag/dag.config
02/20/19 12:14:42 allow_events (DAGMAN_ALLOW_EVENTS) setting: 5

but searching for "EVENT_LOG" or "event.log" (the name of the EVENT_LOG file) in that file doesn't return anything.

=> What am I missing to get the EVENT_LOG file filled?

=> Could there another setting that would mask the setup of "EVENT_LOG"?

Thanks in advance,
