Hello Sean,
I have used an advice from one colleague (Andrea Sartirana <sartiran@xxxxxxxxxxxx>). The idea is to use the USER_JOB_WRAPPER variable. In your condor config file on the execute nodes (example /etc/condor/config.d/<your config file>.conf), please add: USER_JOB_WRAPPER=/usr/local/user_job_wrapper.sh In /usr/local/user_job_wrapper.sh, in my case I have: #!/bin/bash ulimit -Ss 16000000 ulimit -Hs 16000000 exec "$@" N.B.: When I used only 'ulimit -Hs 16000000', I had the error message "limit: stack size: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument" because by default on the exec nodes the soft and hard limit were both set to 'unlimited'. Because the hard limit can't be lowered while the soft limit remains unlimited, I had to change the soft limit before the hard one. There may be are better solutions, but the above seems to work. Hope this will help, Cheers, Christophe. Le 04/10/2018 13:54, Sean Crosby a écrit :
-- Christophe DIARRA Institut de Physique Nucleaire 15 Rue Georges Clemenceau S2I/D2I - Bat 100A - Piece A108 F91406 ORSAY Cedex Tel: +33 (0)1 69 15 65 60 / +33 (0)6 31 26 23 69 Fax: +33 (0)1 69 15 64 70 / E-mail: diarra@xxxxxxxxxxxxx |