Hi All,
We are trying to use condor with jobs that spawn processes through forking and which may use libraries which themselves link to openmp. It appears that condor is forcing the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to equal the "request_cpu" value. Unfortunately, this causes our processes to *each* spawn that many threads and overload the machine.Â
We've tried to set the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable and have this passed to our jobs, but it appears that the code introduced in the following ticket overrides anything we set.
Is anyone aware of some way to disable this? It would be useful to have a way to disable this condor behavior by default.
--ÂDr.ÂAlexander Nitz
Max Planck InstituteÂfor GravitationalÂPhysicsÂ(AlbertÂEinstein Institute)
Callinstrasse 38
D-30167 Hannover,ÂÂGermany
Tel:Â+49 511 762-17097