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[HTCondor-users] expression evaluating in concurrency_limits

Hi all,

i have some problems with concurrency limits in my test environment. I want to use two limits depending on requested_cpus in my submit file. I have defined the two concurrency limits in config file
Type1_limit = 10
Type2_limit = 10

In my submit file i do this

ccl = $$([$(request_cpus)-1])
concurrency_limits = IfThenElse( ($(ccl) is 0), Type1:1, Type1:1 Type2:$(ccl) )

so i want to request only the limit Type1 if requested_cpus = 1 otherwise one of Type1 and "n - 1" of Type2.

If i try to submit in this manner then i got the following error:
ERROR: Invalid concurrency limit 'ifthenelse('

did I miss something?
