On 08/15/2018 06:36 PM, Philippe
Grassia wrote:
we have a few researchers who use condor with singularity and some
time in the past couple of weeks started to have jobs failing
because of the scratch mounting of /var/tmp
from the condor logs I could see the singularity invocation looks
like :
ÂArguments updated for executing with singularity:
/usr/bin/singularity exec -B /cvmfs -B /archive -B /hdfs -B
/home:/home:rw -B /local/condor/execute/dir_101929:/srv
--pwd /srv -S Owner) -S /local/"
-S /var/tmp -S strcat( "/tmp -C
/local/condor/execute/dir_101929/ls -la /var/
What is MOUNT_UNDER_SCRATCH set to on this machine?