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[HTCondor-users] History file with incorrect JobCurrentStartDate? - version windows 8.4.4
- Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2018 07:00:13 +0000
- From: Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: [HTCondor-users] History file with incorrect JobCurrentStartDate? - version windows 8.4.4
Hi All
We have a number of windows submit nodes in our HTCondor pool.
We have reporting scripts on a linux machine that download all the history files and can
provide monthly (or daily) usage on a per user basis.
In our latest report for March 2018 we noticed something strange, -ve run times!
After tracking back through the scripts we eventually found the answer in the history files themselves.
e.g. for one job these are the relevant values in the history file
JobCurrentStartDate 1521637146
CompletionDate 1521450290
EnteredCurrentStatus 1521450290
JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate 1521450290
JobFinishedHookDone 1521450290
LastJobLeaseRenewal 1521450290
JobCurrentStartExecutingDate 1521445871
LastMatchTime 1521445870
LastVacateTime 1521444418
JobLastStartDate 1521442616
LastRejMatchTime 1521436370
JobStartDate 1521192534
QDate 1521181266
CumulativeSlotTime 45124
RemoteWallClockTime 45124
RemoteUserCpu 2970
RemoteSysCpu 1286
CommittedSuspensionTime 0
CumulativeSuspensionTime 0
CommittedSlotTime -186856
CommittedTime -186856
Note the 2 -ve committed time values. These are equal to (CompletionDate - JobCurrentStartDate).
In fact the JobCurrentStartDate is nearly 2 days AFTER the CompletionDate!?
For the moment we will need to change our scripts to NOT use the CommittedSlotTime BUT
calculate it from (CompletionDate - JobLastStartDate).
Is this a known bug? Or something that someone has come across before?
I've had a look through the 8.2.* and 8.4.* release notes and bug fixes but couldn't see anything.
Thanks for any help.
P.S. we will soon(ish) be upgrading our submit nodes from win2008 to win2016 and will upgrade
to the latest 8.6.* version then. Meanwhile the history files already exist so we will kludge
a workaround.