Iâve fixed the problem with WANT_KRB5=FALSE on our master branch.
Â- Jaime
On Dec 14, 2016, at 10:25 AM, John M Knoeller <johnkn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This looks like a bug in our handling of WANT_KRB5. Iâm not sure when it will be patchedSo you might want to add your own #ifdefs to condor_auth_ssl.cpp so you can move on to the next thing ;)Â-tjÂFrom:ÂHTCondor-users [mailto:htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx ]ÂOn Behalf OfÂL Kreczko
Sent:ÂSaturday, December 10, 2016 10:13 AM
To:ÂHTCondor-Users Mail List <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:ÂRe: [HTCondor-users] virtualenv, pip and htcondor (python)ÂHi John, hi Brian,ÂThanks for the answers. After a bit of fiddling I ended up with this set:cmake -DPROPER:BOOL=FALSE -DCLIPPED:BOOL=TRUE -DWITH_BLAHP:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_COREDUMPER:BOOL=FALSE \   -DWITH_CREAM:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_DRMAA:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_GLOBUS:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_GSOAP:BOOL=FALSE \   -DWITH_HADOOP:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_LIBVIRT:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_LIBXML2:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_UNICOREGAHP:BOOL=FALSE \   -DWITH_VOMS:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_BOINC:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_KRB5:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_LIBCGROUP:BOOL=OFF\   -DWITH_GANGLIA:BOOL=OFF -DWITH_CAMPUSFACTORY:BOOL=OFF -DWITH_BOSCO:BOOL=OFF -DWANT_GLEXEC:BOOL=OFF \   -DUW_BUILD:BOOL=TRUE -D_VERBOSE:BOOL=TRUE -DBUILDID:STRING=UW_development -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${ PWD}/release_dir "$@" ÂHowever, since I turn off KRB5 an error occurs:/home/vagrant/workspace/htcondor/src/condor_io/condor_ auth_ssl.cpp: In static member function âstatic bool Condor_Auth_SSL::Initialize()â : /home/vagrant/workspace/htcondor/src/condor_io/condor_ auth_ssl.cpp:107:7: error: âCondor_Auth_Kerberosâ has not been declared  if ( Condor_Auth_Kerberos::Initialize() == false ||    Â^src/condor_utils/CMakeFiles/condor_utils.dir/build.make: 7152: recipe for target 'src/condor_utils/CMakeFiles/ condor_utils.dir/__/condor_io/ condor_auth_ssl.cpp.o' failed. ÂÂIf I allow for KRB, the compilation fails at DAG:[ 74%] Linking CXX executable condor_submit_dag[ 74%] Built target condor_submit_dagScanning dependencies of target condor_dagman_metrics_reporter[ 74%] Building CXX object src/condor_dagman/CMakeFiles/condor_dagman_metrics_ reporter.dir/condor_dagman_ metrics_reporter.cpp.o [ 74%] Building CXX object src/condor_dagman/CMakeFiles/condor_dagman_metrics_ reporter.dir/__/condor_utils/ condor_version.cpp.o [ 74%] Linking CXX executable condor_dagman_metrics_reporter//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0: undefined reference to `SHA224_Init@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/ libcurl.so: undefined reference to `ENGINE_get_id@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' + many more 'undefined reference'.ÂIs there a way to disable DAG? Essentially, I just want the python-bindings :)ÂAnd just as I said that, IÂcd src/python-bindings/makeÂand end up with htcondor.so and classad.so!Well, that was easy ;)ÂÂStarting from fresh, the python-bindings also compileÂ- src/classadÂ- src/condor_utilsÂÂNext step is to make the compiled libraries work with the installed ones (e.g import the module):python -c 'import htcondor'Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module>ImportError: /home/vagrant/workspace/htcondor/src/python-bindings/ libcondor_utils_8_5_9.so: undefined symbol: _ ZN7classad19ClassAdJsonUnParse r7UnparseERNSt7__cxx1112basic_ stringIcSt11char_ traitsIcESaIcEEEPKNS_ 7ClassAdERKSt3setIS6_NS_ 12CaseIgnLTStrESaIS6_EE ÂBTW: 'import classad' works out-of-the-box'ÂFor the setup.py there are two approaches:Â1) C++ Extension:Âhttps://docs.python.org/2.7/extending/ building.html Â2) Using DistutilsInstall:Âhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/ 1754966/how-can-i-run-a- makefile-in-setup-py Not experienced with either, suggestions are welcome.ÂÂCheers,LukeÂOn 8 December 2016 at 18:21, Brian Bockelman <bbockelm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2016, at 7:29 AM, L Kreczko <L.Kreczko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since my work on an HTCondor task implementation for Spotify's Luigi [1], this topic is again becoming of interest.
> In order to do 'pip install htcondor', htcondor would need a setup.py that compiles the HTCondor Python bindings and distributes the libraries htcondor.so and classad.so the same way the condor-python RPM does.
> As I understand from the instructions [2] all I need to call in the setup.py is
> 1) match code to the installed condor version
> 2) ./configure_uw
> 3) make package
> 4) point python to the two libraries it needs to install.
I suspect you'll need to pick apart ./configure_uw and aggressively disable cmake flags. For example, the error you reference on 16.04 is due to a failure building a unit test. You can do without those!
> Is this a safe way? Is it possible to compile just the python bindings (I am asking because I cannot build condor on 16.04 [3])?
> Do htcondor.so and classad.so need to be compiled in the same version as the condor install or does some wiggle-room exist?
All variants of the compilation should result in a compatible protocol layer. However, if you disable some of the security libraries (think Globus, Kerberos), the security negotiation might fail.
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