Thanks for the tips.
so , I installed condor in another place too and I have the same issue with the submit and execute node on ubuntu.
When I run :
sudo journalctl -u condor
I get:
systemd[1]: condor.service: Watchdog timeout (limit 20min)!
and I get that every 20 mins:
08/23/17 15:29:18 Can't open directory "/condor/local/dyslexia/config" as PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
08/23/17 15:29:18 Cannot open /condor/local/dyslexia/config: No such file or directory
08/23/17 15:29:18 ******************************************************
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** condor_master (CONDOR_MASTER) STARTING UP
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** SubsystemInfo: name=MASTER type=MASTER(2) class="DAEMON"(1)
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** Configuration: subsystem:MASTER local:<NONE> class:DAEMON
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** $CondorVersion: 8.6.3 May 08 2017 BuildID: 404928 $
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_Ubuntu14 $
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** PID = 3287
08/23/17 15:29:18 ** Log last touched 8/23 15:28:18
08/23/17 15:29:18 ******************************************************
08/23/17 15:29:18 Using config source: /condor/install_centos/etc/condor_config
08/23/17 15:29:18 Using local config sources:
08/23/17 15:29:18 /condor/local/dyslexia/condor_config.local
08/23/17 15:29:18 config Macros = 70, Sorted = 70, StringBytes = 2053, TablesBytes = 2568
08/23/17 15:29:18 CLASSAD_CACHING is OFF
08/23/17 15:29:18 Daemon Log is logging: D_ALWAYS D_ERROR
08/23/17 15:29:19 Removed /tmp/condor-lock.0.367137981186719/shared_port_ad (assuming it is left over from previous run)
08/23/17 15:29:19 SharedPortEndpoint: waiting for connections to named socket 3287_2fe4
08/23/17 15:29:19 SharedPortEndpoint: failed to open /tmp/condor-lock.0.367137981186719/shared_port_ad: No such file or directory
08/23/17 15:29:19 SharedPortEndpoint: did not successfully find SharedPortServer address. Will retry in 60s.
08/23/17 15:29:19 DaemonCore: private command socket at <>
08/23/17 15:29:19 Adding SHARED_PORT to DAEMON_LIST, because USE_SHARED_PORT=true (to disable this, set AUTO_INCLUDE_SHARED_PORT_IN_DAEMON_LIST=False)
08/23/17 15:29:19 Master restart (GRACEFUL) is watching /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master (mtime:1494289481)
08/23/17 15:29:19 Collector port not defined, will use default: 9618
08/23/17 15:29:19 Started DaemonCore process "/condor/install_ubuntu/libexec/condor_shared_port", pid and pgroup = 3309
08/23/17 15:29:19 Waiting for /tmp/condor-lock.0.367137981186719/shared_port_ad to appear.
08/23/17 15:29:19 systemd watchdog notification support not available.
08/23/17 15:29:20 Found /tmp/condor-lock.0.367137981186719/shared_port_ad.
08/23/17 15:29:20 Started DaemonCore process "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_schedd", pid and pgroup = 3310
08/23/17 15:29:20 Started DaemonCore process "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_startd", pid and pgroup = 3311
08/23/17 15:29:24 Setting ready state 'Ready' for STARTD
08/23/17 15:31:41 Can't open directory "/condor/local/dyslexia/config" as PRIV_CONDOR, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
08/23/17 15:31:41 Cannot open /condor/local/dyslexia/config: No such file or directory
08/23/17 15:31:41 Adding SHARED_PORT to DAEMON_LIST, because USE_SHARED_PORT=true (to disable this, set AUTO_INCLUDE_SHARED_PORT_IN_DAEMON_LIST=False)
08/23/17 15:31:41 Reconfiguring all managed daemons.
08/23/17 15:31:41 Sent SIGHUP to SCHEDD (pid 3310)
08/23/17 15:31:41 Sent SIGHUP to SHARED_PORT (pid 3309)
08/23/17 15:31:41 Sent SIGHUP to STARTD (pid 3311)
08/23/17 15:42:00 Can't open directory "/condor/local/dyslexia/config" as PRIV_CONDOR, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
08/23/17 15:42:00 Cannot open /condor/local/dyslexia/config: No such file or directory
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=7, time=28800, period=28800
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP <> fd=6
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Destroying Daemon object:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Type: 5 (collector), Name: alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618, Addr: <>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) FullHost: alzheimer.u1000.lan, Host: alzheimer, Pool: alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618, Port: 9618
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) IsLocal: N, IdStr: collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618, Error: (null)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) --- End of Daemon object info ---
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) COLLECTOR_HOST is set to "alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618"
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) *** TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER :: 0
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Checking if alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618 is a sinful address
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618 is not a sinful address: does not begin with "<"
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) New Daemon obj (collector) name: "alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Using name "alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618" to find daemon
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Port 9618 specified in name
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Host info "alzheimer.u1000.lan" is a hostname, finding IP address
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) DNS returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) We returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Found IP address and port <>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Daemon client (collector) address determined: name: "alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618", pool: "alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618", alias: "alzheimer.u1000.lan", addr: "<>"
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Adding SHARED_PORT to DAEMON_LIST, because USE_SHARED_PORT=true (to disable this, set AUTO_INCLUDE_SHARED_PORT_IN_DAEMON_LIST=False)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Reconfiguring all managed daemons.
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4925
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4927
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Sent SIGHUP to SCHEDD (pid 3310)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4925
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4927
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Sent SIGHUP to SHARED_PORT (pid 3309)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4925
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_PRIV) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at /slots/01/dir_3440781/sources/src/condor_daemon_core.V6/daemon_core.cpp:4927
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Sent SIGHUP to STARTD (pid 3311)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Daemon::startCommand(UPDATE_MASTER_AD,...) making connection to <>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) Guess address string for host = <>, port = 0
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:6) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) it was sinful string. ip =, port = 9618
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) non-blocking CONNECT started fd=6 dst=<>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) SECMAN: command 2 UPDATE_MASTER_AD to collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618 from TCP port 38587 (non-blocking).
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) SECMAN: waiting for TCP connection to collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618.
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=10, time=300, period=300
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from HandleReq <handle_reconfig()> (handler: 2107.891134s, sec: 0.002s, payload: 0.000s)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP <> fd=14
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP fd=13
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <(null)> 2107.891242s
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 20
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = FDS_READY
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {6 } = 1
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {6 } = 1
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Ready FD's
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {} = 0
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {6 } = 1
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 20.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CONNECT bound to <> fd=6 peer=<>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Calling Handler <SecManStartCommand::WaitForSocketCallback UPDATE_MASTER_AD> for Socket <collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618>
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling Handler <SecManStartCommand::WaitForSocketCallback UPDATE_MASTER_AD> (1)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Cancel_Socket: cancelled socket 1 <collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618> 0x21bb430
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) SECMAN: resuming command 2 UPDATE_MASTER_AD to collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618 from TCP port 38587 (non-blocking).
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) SECMAN: using session alzheimer:21501:1503494964:21 for {<>,<2>}.
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=6 collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618,,size=626,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission ALLOW
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission READ
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow READ: * (from config value ALLOW_READ)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) ipverify: READ optimized to allow anyone
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission WRITE
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow WRITE: 10.3.173.* (from config value ALLOW_WRITE)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission NEGOTIATOR
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow NEGOTIATOR: alzheimer.u1000.lan (from config value ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) DNS returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) We returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission ADMINISTRATOR
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow ADMINISTRATOR: alzheimer.u1000.lan (from config value ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) DNS returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) We returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission OWNER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow OWNER: dyslexia.u1000.lan ::1 (from config value ALLOW_OWNER)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) DNS returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME) We returned:
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_HOSTNAME)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission CONFIG
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) ipverify: CONFIG optimized to deny everyone
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission DAEMON
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow DAEMON: 10.3.173.* (from config value ALLOW_WRITE)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission SOAP
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) ipverify: SOAP optimized to allow anyone
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission DEFAULT
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) ipverify: DEFAULT optimized to allow anyone
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission CLIENT
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) ipverify: CLIENT optimized to allow anyone
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission ADVERTISE_STARTD
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_STARTD: 10.3.173.* (from config value ALLOW_WRITE)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission ADVERTISE_SCHEDD
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_SCHEDD: 10.3.173.* (from config value ALLOW_WRITE)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Subsystem MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: Permission ADVERTISE_MASTER
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_MASTER: 10.3.173.* (from config value ALLOW_WRITE)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=6 collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618,,size=1393,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <SecManStartCommand::WaitForSocketCallback UPDATE_MASTER_AD> 0.003248s
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 20
08/23/17 15:42:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 20.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=33
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 60
08/23/17 15:42:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 60.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=34
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 49
08/23/17 15:43:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 49.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 10
08/23/17 15:44:09 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 10.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_INVALIDATE_KEY: security session dyslexia:3287:1503495720:1 lifetime expired.
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_INVALIDATE_KEY: removed key id dyslexia:3287:1503495720:1.
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=35
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 1
08/23/17 15:44:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 1.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=36
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 4
08/23/17 15:44:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 4.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 55
08/23/17 15:44:24 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 55.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_LOAD) ProcAPI: new boottime = 1503493612; old_boottime = 1503493612; /proc/stat boottime = 1503493612; /proc/uptime boottime = 1503493612
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 1
08/23/17 15:45:19 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 1.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=37
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 60
08/23/17 15:45:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 60.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=38
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 40
08/23/17 15:46:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 40.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=6 collector alzheimer.u1000.lan:9618,,size=1437,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=10, time=300, period=300
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 20
08/23/17 15:47:00 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 20.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=39
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 60
08/23/17 15:47:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = FDS_READY
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Ready FD's
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {10 } = 1
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 60.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> for Socket <83aaafd75266a137b0c45401e8e1d80bad1be4cb058902122d02475124c6aa8d/3287_2fe4>
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> (0)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) ACCEPT bound to fd=13 peer=
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=8,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CONNECT bound to <> fd=14 peer=<>
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=13 ,,size=13,timeout=5,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DaemonCommandProtocol: Not enough bytes are ready for read.
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP fd=13
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> 0.000316s
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 3
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = FDS_READY
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 14
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 14 } = 3
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Ready FD's
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {14 } = 1
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 3.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Calling Handler <DaemonCommandProtocol::WaitForSocketData> for Socket <<>>
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling Handler <DaemonCommandProtocol::WaitForSocketData> (1)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Cancel_Socket: cancelled socket 1 <<>> 0x21a7590
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=1,flags=2,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ReadCommand()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=691,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE from <>
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id 2f85e48dc7453ea13b5bdf003a81ae18e96a6824211fde3d:
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: EnableCrypto()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: VerifyCommand()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERMISSION GRANTED to condor@child from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: DAEMON authorization has been made automatic for condor@child
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse() : NOT m_new_session
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ExecCommand(m_req == 60008, m_real_cmd == 60008, m_auth_cmd == 60008)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=32,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (0) for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE) from condor@child <>
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=15, time=3506, period=0
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) received childalive, pid=3309, secs=3506, dprintf_lock_delay=0.000000
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (handler: 0.000039s, sec: 0.000s, payload: 0.000s)
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP <> fd=14
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <DaemonCommandProtocol::WaitForSocketData> 0.000650s
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 3
08/23/17 15:48:17 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = TIMED_OUT
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 3.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=40
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 59
08/23/17 15:48:20 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = FDS_READY
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Ready FD's
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {10 } = 1
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 59.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> for Socket <83aaafd75266a137b0c45401e8e1d80bad1be4cb058902122d02475124c6aa8d/3287_2fe4>
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> (0)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) ACCEPT bound to fd=13 peer=
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=8,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CONNECT bound to <> fd=14 peer=<>
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=13 ,,size=13,timeout=5,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=1,flags=2,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ReadCommand()
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=703,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE from <>
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id 3e58944d7ec47c06bb72f3b437aafca228f6c5bb3403456a:
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: EnableCrypto()
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: VerifyCommand()
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERMISSION GRANTED to condor@child from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: DAEMON authorization has been made automatic for condor@child
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse()
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse() : NOT m_new_session
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ExecCommand(m_req == 60008, m_real_cmd == 60008, m_auth_cmd == 60008)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=32,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (0) for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE) from condor@child <>
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=18, time=3586, period=0
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) received childalive, pid=3311, secs=3586, dprintf_lock_delay=0.000000
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (handler: 0.000040s, sec: 0.000s, payload: 0.000s)
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP <> fd=14
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP fd=13
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> 0.000910s
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 33
08/23/17 15:48:46 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: leaving select
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) State = FDS_READY
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) max_fd = 10
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Selection FD's
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {7 10 } = 2
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Ready FD's
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Read {10 } = 1
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Write {} = 0
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Except {} = 0
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) Timeout = 33.000000 seconds
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> for Socket <83aaafd75266a137b0c45401e8e1d80bad1be4cb058902122d02475124c6aa8d/3287_2fe4>
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> (0)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) ACCEPT bound to fd=13 peer=
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=13 ,,size=8,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CONNECT bound to <> fd=14 peer=<>
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_write(fd=13 ,,size=13,timeout=5,flags=0,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=1,flags=2,non_blocking=0)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ReadCommand()
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=727,timeout=0,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE from <>
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id cfa7fe61cdd5df0ddd168f3a4d6de1f41ad9cd69f73e3e43:
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: EnableCrypto()
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: VerifyCommand()
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_SECURITY) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERMISSION GRANTED to condor@child from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: DAEMON authorization has been made automatic for condor@child
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse()
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: SendResponse() : NOT m_new_session
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DAEMONCORE: ExecCommand(m_req == 60008, m_real_cmd == 60008, m_auth_cmd == 60008)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) condor_read(fd=14 <>,,size=32,timeout=20,flags=0,non_blocking=1)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Calling HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (0) for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE) from condor@child <>
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In reset_timer(), id=17, time=3650, period=0
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) received childalive, pid=3310, secs=3650, dprintf_lock_delay=0.000000
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from HandleReq <HandleChildAliveCommand> (handler: 0.000039s, sec: 0.000s, payload: 0.000s)
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:16) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP <> fd=14
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:14) (pid:3287) (D_NETWORK) CLOSE TCP fd=13
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_COMMAND) Return from Handler <SharedPortEndpoint::HandleListenerAccept> 0.000925s
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) In DaemonCore Timeout()
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_DAEMONCORE) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 13
08/23/17 15:49:06 (fd:13) (pid:3287) (D_ALWAYS) PERF: entering select
Stack dump for process 3287 at timestamp 1503496158 (9 frames)
![Università Paris-Sud]() | Hervà LEMAITRE
U1000 "Neuroimagerie en Psychiatrie"
Service hospitalier FrÃdÃric Joliot - 4, Place du GÃnÃral Leclerc 91401 Orsay |
De: "Todd Tannenbaum" <tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Ã: "HTCondor-Users Mail List" <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Hervà Lemaitre" <herve.lemaitre@xxxxxxxxx>
EnvoyÃ: Lundi 21 AoÃt 2017 18:35:07
Objet: Re: [HTCondor-users] Job disconnected
Very mysterious. A few ideas to try out:
1. In your condor_config.local, please append
and then do a condor_reconfig or a restart of HTCondor. This will
result in a lot more information going into MasterLog, perhaps letting
us learn what it is trying to do at the time of the crash.
2. Another idea is perhaps try updating to the latest stable release
(currently v8.6.5) and see if the problem persists.
3. Another idea is to install the HTCondor debug symbols package
On 8/21/2017 6:11 AM, Hervà Lemaitre wrote:
> When I looked in log directory I found core files and the MasterLog
> displays:
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 Can't open directory "/condor/local/paraty/config" as
> PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 Cannot open /condor/local/paraty/config: No such file
> or directory
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ******************************************************
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** condor_master (CONDOR_MASTER) STARTING UP
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** SubsystemInfo: name=MASTER type=MASTER(2)
> class="DAEMON"(1)
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** Configuration: subsystem:MASTER local:<NONE>
> class:DAEMON
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** $CondorVersion: 8.6.3 May 08 2017 BuildID: 404928 $
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_Ubuntu14 $
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** PID = 4380
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ** Log last touched 8/21 12:37:46
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 ******************************************************
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 Using config source:
> /condor/install_centos/etc/condor_config
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 Using local config sources:
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 /condor/local/paraty/condor_config.local
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 config Macros = 72, Sorted = 72, StringBytes = 2083,
> TablesBytes = 2640
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 CLASSAD_CACHING is OFF
> 08/21/17 12:38:48 Daemon Log is logging: D_ALWAYS D_ERROR
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Removed
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad (assuming it is left
> over from previous run)
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 SharedPortEndpoint: waiting for connections to named
> socket 4380_e4e7
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 SharedPortEndpoint: failed to open
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad: No such file or directory
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 SharedPortEndpoint: did not successfully find
> SharedPortServer address. Will retry in 60s.
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 DaemonCore: private command socket at
> <>
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Adding SHARED_PORT to DAEMON_LIST, because
> USE_SHARED_PORT=true (to disable this, set
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Master restart (GRACEFUL) is watching
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master (mtime:1502961752)
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Collector port not defined, will use default: 9618
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/libexec/condor_shared_port", pid and pgroup = 4403
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 Waiting for
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad to appear.
> 08/21/17 12:38:49 systemd watchdog notification support not available.
> 08/21/17 12:38:50 Found /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad.
> 08/21/17 12:38:50 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_schedd", pid and pgroup = 4404
> 08/21/17 12:38:50 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_startd", pid and pgroup = 4405
> 08/21/17 12:38:54 Setting ready state 'Ready' for STARTD
> Stack dump for process 4380 at timestamp 1503313127 (9 frames)
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/../lib/[0x7f8af261fd32]
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/../lib/[0x7f8af27f5ca4]
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8af0d10390]
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8af0a32573]
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/../lib/[0x7f8af261ca16]
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/../lib/[0x7f8af27e8fb2]
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/../lib/[0x7f8af27f9314]
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8af0955830]
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master[0x40a70f]
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 Can't open directory "/condor/local/paraty/config" as
> PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 Cannot open /condor/local/paraty/config: No such file
> or directory
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ******************************************************
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** condor_master (CONDOR_MASTER) STARTING UP
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** SubsystemInfo: name=MASTER type=MASTER(2)
> class="DAEMON"(1)
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** Configuration: subsystem:MASTER local:<NONE>
> class:DAEMON
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** $CondorVersion: 8.6.3 May 08 2017 BuildID: 404928 $
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_Ubuntu14 $
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** PID = 4718
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ** Log last touched 8/21 12:58:47
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 ******************************************************
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 Using config source:
> /condor/install_centos/etc/condor_config
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 Using local config sources:
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 /condor/local/paraty/condor_config.local
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 config Macros = 72, Sorted = 72, StringBytes = 2083,
> TablesBytes = 2640
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 CLASSAD_CACHING is OFF
> 08/21/17 12:59:48 Daemon Log is logging: D_ALWAYS D_ERROR
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Removed
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad (assuming it is left
> over from previous run)
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 SharedPortEndpoint: waiting for connections to named
> socket 4718_bbea
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 SharedPortEndpoint: failed to open
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad: No such file or directory
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 SharedPortEndpoint: did not successfully find
> SharedPortServer address. Will retry in 60s.
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 DaemonCore: private command socket at
> <>
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Adding SHARED_PORT to DAEMON_LIST, because
> USE_SHARED_PORT=true (to disable this, set
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Master restart (GRACEFUL) is watching
> /condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_master (mtime:1502961752)
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Collector port not defined, will use default: 9618
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/libexec/condor_shared_port", pid and pgroup = 4740
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 Waiting for
> /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad to appear.
> 08/21/17 12:59:49 systemd watchdog notification support not available.
> 08/21/17 12:59:50 Found /tmp/condor-lock.0.533212494411604/shared_port_ad.
> 08/21/17 12:59:50 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_schedd", pid and pgroup = 4743
> 08/21/17 12:59:50 Started DaemonCore process
> "/condor/install_ubuntu/sbin/condor_startd", pid and pgroup = 4744
> 08/21/17 12:59:54 Setting ready state 'Ready' for STARTD
> It seems that my daemons are restarting every 15 minutes and I do not
> know why.
> Università Paris-Sud
> *Hervà LEMAITRE*
> U1000 "Neuroimagerie en Psychiatrie"
> Service hospitalier FrÃdÃric Joliot - 4, Place du GÃnÃral Leclerc
> 91401 Orsay
> _______________________________________________
> HTCondor-users mailing list
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