Hi all,I'm facing some strange issues in my configuration file regarding auto-clustering/significant attributes and adding requirements upon job submission (in our setup we have a job route defined - we append requirements in order to make sure the router acts before the jobs starts)
APPEND_REQUIREMENTS = ( (INPUT_FILES =?= UNDEFINED) || (HPDA_Route =?= TRUE) || (( CurrentTime - QDate ) > ( $(JOB_ROUTER_POLLING_PERIOD) * 3 )) )
The following configuration values (should) handle significant attributes:
# Round attributes (up) for better AutoClustering. # 25%: 112 => 125, 1133 => 1250 # 3 : 112 => 1000, 1212 => 2000 SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RequestWalltime = 3 SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RequestMemory = 20% SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RequestDisk = 25% SIGNIFICANT_ATTRIBUTES = JobUniverse,WantDocker,\ RequestWalltime,\ RequestCpus,RequestMemory,RequestDisk,\ Requirements,\ RemoteJob,ExperimentalJob,\ HPDA_Route REMOVE_SIGNIFICANT_ATTRIBUTES = DiskUsage, QDate
So far so good. Now here's an example of condor_q -autocluster -long:
ServerTime = 1477408979 AutoClusterId = 2836 JobCount = 7 Requirements = ( ( TARGET.CLOUDSITE == "BWFORCLUSTER" ) ) && ( ( ( INPUT_FILES =?= undefined ) || ( HPDA_Route =?= true ) || ( ( CurrentTime - QDate ) > ( 10 * 3 ) ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) RequestDisk = DiskUsage JobIds = "175098.1 ... 175098.16" JobUniverse = 5 RequestCpus = 1 DiskUsage = 750000 RequestWalltime = 69000 QDate = 1477393245 RemoteJob = true RequestMemory = 4000
Apparently QDate and DiskUsage are NOT removed from significant attributes, although I explicitly told HTCondor to do so.
Am I missing something or do you see an error in my though process? I'm out of ideas, what I could try to increase the number of clustered jobs. Thanks & regards Frank